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Irisa blue
  • Irisa blue

    An abstract iris with beautiful blue background and center with golden cracks!

    Created with the help of many pouring images from my Dragon Eye series.

    Size: 120x120x4cm

    Without frame



    The iris pictures are the recyclers in my pouring art.

    What would otherwise be “lost” in excess paint through the spin pour is used here to create a new work of art.

    Every drop of paint is recycled, nothing is wasted!

    This creates unusual color combinations that are only influenced by the colors I used in previous Spin Pour images.

    Due to the manufacturing process, they are always large square canvases with sides measuring 100 centimeters or more.

    And since you need many spin pour images for an iris image before it is finished, the production usually takes months.

    The final touch is the pupil. Each one is unique and unusual!


    Standard shipping cannot be offered here!

    Due to the size, transport must be requested separately and offered to you! If necessary, I will deliver it myself.

    If you are interested, please contact me via my contact form or by email to dlcreart(at)

    An order for this painting via standard shipping will be automatically cancelled. Only pickup and delivery can be carried out here.

    I ask for your understanding!

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